Thursday, October 28, 2010

Caleb Kills a Coues

A full morning of hunting turned up nothing but does and fawns - not to mention a gorgeous sunrise in spectacular country.  We were hunting our way back to the truck which we had left a few miles away and a few hours ago when we swung onto one last ridge to check a northern exposure.  As we were working our way through the oak and manzanita Caleb whispers, "I see a coyote!"  My immediate thought was that if Caleb saw a coyote he should feed it a copper wrapped breakfast of lead but I figured I should double check before I said anything.  With a little help from Caleb and my 10X glasses I located the coyote, which happened to be a deer, and buck at that.  

"Its a deer, and its a buck."  

"Really?  How many antlers does it have?"  


"Do you think it would be a good first buck?"

We might only have one day to hunt, and more people are joining us in the evening, which invariably complicates things... Plus, this is your first deer hunt ever.

"I think it would be a hell of a first buck.  Get ready to shoot."

By this time the buck is getting self conscious after being on display at about 100 yards, and is starting to look side to side, surveying his options for a stage exit.  Caleb drops to the kneeling position, elbow tucked against the inside of his knee.  The buck is concealed by a solitary manzanita bush.

"Which direction is he going to go?"

"Left, I think.  No, Right.  Ok shoot now!"

The rifle reports somewhere in my peripheries but I am staring intently at the buck through the glasses.  The echo of solid hit returns as I watch the buck collapse and fall over backwards, legs stretched momentarily heavenward before constricting with spasms in the throes of death.

"Nice [really nice] shot!"

Prayers of thanksgiving and a blessing for the meat preceded the photo shoot and then a rather arduous pack-out back to camp.  Another successful hunt and another addict-hunter joins the fraternity.  I love hunting Coues deer!


  1. Excellent! Glad you guys were able to fill that tag this year! They sure are a cute little deer.

  2. Love this! It looks like it was a lot of fun.
